Rodney Milligan

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Rodney MilliganRodney Milligan

The knee doctor advised me to give up running due to a torn meniscus and arthritis. Surgery would likely not solve the problem at my age (63). For the last 3 & ½ years, Nick has helped me garner more muscle, lose body-fat. and build overall strength I thought wasn't possible. Although I still don’t run (out of caution), I have managed to increase my cardiovascular output due to Nick's training modality. I've dramatically improved my lower body strength while increasing my cardiovascular efficiency, despite giving up running.

Nick is concerned about overall body health, wellness, and advises on food intake and nutrition.  But our training time together is really about the workout. He customizes and balances each session based upon the last session to build the strength of all parts of the body.  He analyzes every exercise rep. He requires good form and slows down the reps for maximum effect.  Nick presses and encourages greater effort by me while being careful not to overdo an exercise to the point of injury.

My health has definitely improved since training with Nick-not to mention he’s a great guy to work with!      

Rodney Milligan
Special Projects Executive

Peachtree Church

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